Mason ND-A-Black - Double Deflection Neoprene Mount


Brand: Mason

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Product Details
Name Mason ND-A-Black - Double Deflection Neoprene Mount
Brand Mason
Item Number NDA-BLACK
Manufacturer Product Number ND-A-Black
SKU - PIM Number 1408712768551
ERP Number 221017
Unit of Measure EACH
Weight 0.3 Pound (lb.)
Length 3.2 Inches (in)
Width 1.6 Inches (in)
Height 1.5 Inches (in)
Hazardous Material No
EPA Cert Required No
Country of Origin THA
Color Black
Composition Neoprene
Load Capacity 45 Pounds
Size 1 1/2" x 1 5/8" x 3 3/16"
GEM - Case Quantity
Type ND-A-Black neoprene mounts are an inexpensive but effective method of reducing noise and minor vibration from floor mounted equipment. Use ND double deflection neoprene mounts to isolate equipment having slowest rotational component speeds above 1200 RPM that are located in non-critical areas. Each individual mount can handle a weight capacity of 45 lbs.